Things I'm missing are listed at the bottom of the page. . .if you can't find what you seek, and it's in an edited volume, try both the name of the author and the name of the editor. I was inconsistent in my classifications.

Anything credited to "Stanforder" was written by a student from the Stanford Graduate IR sequence on 1999-2000; further information can be obtained from Alex Montgomery.

As ever, inform me of any errors or submissions.

Author(s) Title(s) Notetaker
ABBOT and SNIDAL "Hard and Soft Law in International Governance" Stanforder
"Hard and Soft Law in International Governance" Stanforder
ACHEN, Christopher "When Is a State with Bureaucratic Politics Representable as a Unitary Actor?" Wrede Braden
"When Is a State with Bureaucratic Politics Representable as a Unitary Actor?" Dufour
ACHEN and SNIDAL "Rational Deterrence Theory and Comparative Case Studies" 1999er
"Rational Deterrence Theory and Comparative Case Studies" Chatterjee
"Rational Deterrence Theory and Comparative Case Studies" Shirck
ADLER, Emmanuel "Seizing the Middle Ground" Stanforder
ADLER and BARNETT Security Communities, Chaps. 2 and 4 Beck
Security Communities, Chaps. 2 and 4 Chatterjee
ALLISON, Graham "Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis" Wrede Braden
"Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis" Burke-White
Essence of Decision, Chaps. 3 and 4 Stanforder
ALT and GILLIGAN "The Political Economy of Trading States" 1999er
"The Political Economy of Trading States" Horowitz
"The Political Economy of Trading States" Urbatsch
AXELROD, Robert The Evolution of Cooperation, Chaps. 1-4 Gingerich
The Evolution of Cooperation, Chaps. 1-2 Home
The Evolution of Cooperation, Chaps. 3-4 Horowitz
"The Emergence of Cooperation Among Egoists" Stanforder
"The Rational Timing of Surprise" Chatterjee
"The Rational Timing of Surprise" Dufour
AXELROD and BENNETT "Choosing Sides: A Landscape Theory of Aggregation" Urbatsch
AXELROD and KEOHANE "Achieving Cooperation under Anarchy" Lienau
"Achieving Cooperation under Anarchy" Urbatsch
"Achieving Cooperation under Anarchy" Stanforder
BAILEY, GOLDSTEIN, and WEINGAST "The Institutional Roots of American Trade Policy" Pandya
"The Institutional Roots of American Trade Policy" Stanforder
BALDWIN, David "Power Analysis and World Politics" Urbatsch
BENDOR and HAMMOND "Rethinking Allison's Models" Stanforder
BERNHARD and LEBLANG "Domestic Institutions and Exchange-Rate Commitments" Stilz
"Domestic Institutions and Exchange-Rate Commitments" Blake
"Domestic Institutions and Exchange-Rate Commitments" Kennedy
BIRD, Graham "The International Monetary Fund and Developing Countries" Stanforder
BLOCK, Fred "Controlling Global Finance" Stanforder
BRAUMOELLER, Bear "Causal Complexity, Theory Problems, and the Study of Politics" Dufour
"Causal Complexity and the Study of World Politics" Urbatsch
"Deadly Doves" Kennedy
BROZ, J. Lawrence "The Domestic Politics of International Monetary Order" Fowler
BUENO DE MESQUITA and LALMAN "Empirical Support for Systemic and Dyadic Explanations of International Conflict" Chatterjee
BULL, Hedley The Anarchical Society, pp. 3-50, 62-73 Pandya
The Anarchical Society, pp. 3-53 Stanforder
The Anarchical Society, Chaps. 1-2 Stanforder
The Anarchical Society, Chap. 3 Stanforder
GARRETT, Geoffrey
"Europe before the Court"
(and ensuing discussion)
Wrede Braden
"Europe before the Court" Song
(ensuing discussion) Spengemann
BUZAN, Barry "From International System to International Society" Stanforder
BUZAN, JONES, and LITTLE The Logic of Anarchy, Chaps. 2-4 Urbatsch
CAMPBELL, David "On Dangers and Their Interpretation" Li
"On Dangers and Their Interpretation" Burke-White
CEDERMAN, Lars-Erik Emergent Actors in World Politics, Chap. 3 Ho
Emergent Actors in World Politics, Chap. 4 Horowitz
Emergent Actors in World Politics, Chap. 6 Home
Emergent Actors in World Politics, Chap. 7 Lienau
CHAYES and CHAYES "On Compliance" Pandya
"On Compliance" Saberi
CHRISTENSEN and SNYDER "Chain Gangs and Passed Bucks" Urbatsch
CLAUSEWITZ, Karl von On War, pp. 75-89 Bruland
COHEN, Benjamin "Triad and the Unholy Trinity" Stanforder
COHN, Carol "Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defense Intellectuals" Li
CONYBEARE and SANDLER "The Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance 1880-1914" Urbatsch
COX, Robert "Social Forces, States and World Orders"
(Chap. 8, Neorealism and Its Critics)
CRAWFORD, Neta Argument and Change Stanforder
DAVID, Steven "Explaining Third World Alignment" Urbatsch
DEUTSCH and SINGER "Multipolar Power Systems and International Stability" Gingerich
"Multipolar Power Systems and International Stability" Ho
DOWNS, George "The Rational Deterrence Debate" Blake
"The Rational Deterrence Debate" Song
DOWNS, ROCKE, and BARSOOM "Is the Good News about Compliance Good News about Cooperation?" Wrede Braden
"Is the Good News about Compliance Good News about Cooperation?" Shirck
"Is the Good News about Compliance Good News about Cooperation?" Stanforder
DOYLE, Michael "Politics and Grand Strategy" Urbatsch
"Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs, Part I" Hentea
"Liberalism and World Politics" Stanforder
"Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs, Part I" Copelovitch?
"Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs, Part I" Ho
EICHENGREEN, Barry Globalizing Capital, pp. 1-92 Stanforder
Globalizing Capital, pp. 93-192 Stanforder
EICHENGREEN and FISHLOW "Contending with Capital Flows" Stanforder
ENCARNATION, Dennis Rivals Beyond Trade, Chaps. 1-2 Stanforder
EVANGELISTA, Matthew "The Paradox of State Strength" Soifer
"The Paradox of State Strength" Chatterjee
"The Paradox of State Strength" Song
EVANS, Peter "Building an Integrative Approach to International and Domestic Politics" Kennedy
"Building an Integrative Approach to International and Domestic Politics" Burke-White
EYRE and SUCHMAN "Status, Norms, and the Proliferation of Conventional Weapons" Stanforder
FARBER and GOWA "Polities and Peace" Stanforder
FARNHAM, Barbara "Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis" Stanforder
FEARON, James "Bargaining, Enforcement, and International Cooperation" Fowler
"Bargaining, Enforcement, and International Cooperation" Blake
"Causes and Counterfactuals in Social Science" Wrede Braden
"Causes and Counterfactuals in Social Science" Shirck
"Rationalist Explanations of War" Evrigenis
"Rationalist Explanations of War" Phelan
"Rationalist Explanations of War" Stanforder
"Domestic Political Audiences and the Escalation of International Disputes" Hentea
"Domestic Political Audiences and the Escalation of International Disputes" Horowitz
"Domestic Political Audiences and the Escalation of International Disputes" Fowler
"Domestic Political Audiences and the Escalation of International Disputes" Stanforder
"Domestic Politics, Foreign Policy, and Theories of International Relations" Pandya
"Domestic Politics, Foreign Policy, and Theories of International Relations" Macaes
"The Offense-Defense Balance and War Since 1648" Stanforder
"Commitment Problems and the Spread of Ethnic Conflict" Stanforder
FELDSTEIN, Martin "Refocusing the IMF" Stanforder
FINNEMORE and SIKKINK "International Norm Dynamics and Political Change" Fowler
"International Norm Dynamics and Political Change" Hentea
"International Norm Dynamics and Political Change" Home
"International Norm Dynamics and Political Change" Stanforder
FINNEMORE, Martha "Norms, Culture, and World Politics" Stanforder
FISCHER, Martin "Feudal Europe, 800-1300" Gingerich
"Feudal Europe, 800-1300" Evrigenis
FRANKEL, Benjamin "The Brooding Shadow" Stanforder
FRIEDEN, Jeffry "Actors and Preferences in International Relations" 1999er
"Actors and Preferences in International Relations" Urbatsch
"Invested Interests" Gingerich
"Invested Interests" Stanforder
FRIEDEN and ROGOWSKI "The Impact of the International Economy on National Policies" Stanforder
FUKUYAMA, Francis "The End of History?" Bruland
GAGNON, V. P. Jr. "Ethnic Nationalism and International Conflict" Stanforder
GARRETT, Geoffrey "Global Markets and National Politics" Stanforder
GARRETT and LANGE "Internationalization, Institutions, and Political Choice" Stanforder
GELPI, Christoper "Crime and Punishment" Bruland
"Crime and Punishment" Copelovitch
"Alliances as Instruments of Intra-Allied Control" Kennedy
"Alliances as Instruments of Intra-Allied Control" Urbatsch
GEORGE and SMOKE "Deterrence and Foreign Policy" Hentea
"Deterrence and Foreign Policy" Song
GILPIN, Robert War and Change in World Politics, pp. 1-49, 156-244 Blake
War and Change in World Politics, Chaps. 1, 4-6, Epilogue Perry
War and Change in World Politics, Introduction and Chap. 1 Dufour
GLASER, Charles "The Security Dilemma Revisited" Stanforder
GOLDSTEIN, Judith "Ideas, Institutions, and American Trade Policy" Pandya
"International Law and Domestic Institutions" Stanforder
"International Institutions and Domestic Politics" Stanforder
GOLDSTEIN, KAHLER, KEOHANE, and SLAUGHTER "Introduction: Legalization and World Politics" Stanforder
GOLDSTEIN and KEOHANE "Ideas and Foreign Policy" Hentea
"Ideas and Foreign Policy" Beck
"Ideas and Foreign Policy" Horowitz
"Ideas and Foreign Policy" Stanforder
GOLDSTEIN and MARTIN "Legalization, Trade Liberalization, and Domestic Politics" Stanforder
GOUREVITCH, Peter "The Second Image Reversed" 1999er
"The Second Image Reversed" Gingerich
"The Second Image Reversed" Stanforder
"The Second Image Reversed" Stanforder
"International Trade, Domestic Coalitions, and Liberty" Stanforder
"The Governance Problem in International Relations" Li
"The Governance Problem in International Relations" Lienau
GOWA, Joanne "Bipolarity, Multipolarity, and Free Trade" Imai
"Bipolarity, Multipolarity, and Free Trade" Margolis
GRIECO, Joe Anarchy and the Limits of Cooperation, Chap. 3 Stanforder
GURLEY, John Challengers to Capitalism, Chap. 3 Kennedy
HAAS, Ernst "Words Can Hurt You" Stanforder
HAAS, Peter "Epistemic Communities and International Policy Coordination" Pandya
"Epistemic Communities and International Policy Coordination" Thornton
"Banning Chlorofluorocarbons" Stanforder
HASENCLEVER, MAYER, and RITTBERGER Theories of International Regimes, Chaps. 1 and 2 Barker
Theories of International Regimes, Chaps. 4 and 5 Perry
Theories of International Regimes, Chaps. 1-5 Urbatsch
Theories of International Regimes, Chap. 6 Wrede Braden
Theories of International Regimes, Chap. 6 Pandya
Theories of International Regimes, Chaps. 1-2 Evrigenis
Theories of International Regimes, Chap. 3 Ho
Theories of International Regimes, Chap. 5 Kennedy
HIRSCHMAN, Albert National Power and the Structure of Foreign Trade, Chaps. 1-3. Stanforder
HOFFMANN, Stanley "Liberalism and International Affairs" Imai?
"Domestic Politics and Interdependence" 1999er
HOLSTI, Kalevi Peace and War, Chaps. 1 and 12 Urbatsch
HOMER-DIXON, Thomas "Environmental Scarcities and Violent Conflict" Bruland
"Environmental Scarcities and Violent Conflict" Spengemann
HOPF, Ted "Polarity, the Offense-Defense Balance, and War" Ho
"Polarity, the Offense-Defense Balance, and War" Urbatsch
"The Promise of Constructivism in International Relations Theory" Stanforder
HUTH, Paul "Extended Deterrence and the Outbreak of War" Bruland
"Extended Deterrence and the Outbreak of War" Frisby
Standing Your Ground, Chaps. 3 and 6 Beck
IKENBERRY, G. John "Creating Yesterday's New World Order" Stanforder
JERVIS, Robert "Cooperation under the Security Dilemma" Bruland
"Cooperation under the Security Dilemma" 1999er
"Cooperation under the Security Dilemma" Burke-White
"Cooperation under the Security Dilemma" Stanforder
"Political Implications of Prospect Theory" Song
"Rational Deterrence: Theory and Evidence" Bruland
"Rational Deterrence: Theory and Evidence" Spengemann
System Effects, Chap. 2 Wrede Braden
System Effects, Chap. 2 Saberi
Perception and Misperception in International Politics, Chaps. 3, 8, 9 Stanforder
JOHNSTON, Alistair Cultural Realism, Chap. 2
(equivalent to Katzenstein, Culture of National Security, Chap. 7)
Wrede Braden
Cultural Realism, Chap. 2
(equivalent to Katzenstein, Culture of National Security, Chap. 7)
Culture of National Security, Chap. 7 Kennedy
"Cultural Realism and Strategy in Maoist China" Stanforder
KAHLER, Miles "Conclusion: The Causes and Consequences of Legalization" Stanforder
KANT, Immanuel Perpetual Peace, pp. 93-130 Margolis
Perpetual Peace, passim? Aldrich
KAPUR, Devesh "The IMF: A Cure or a Curse?" Stanforder
KATZENSTEIN, Peter The Culture of National Security, Chaps. 1, 2 Barker
The Culture of National Security, Chap. 1 Kennedy
The Culture of National Security, Chap. 5 Horowitz
The Culture of National Security, Chap. 10 Song
The Culture of National Security, Chap. 12 Spengemann
The Culture of National Security, Chaps. 1, 5, 10, and 12 Bruland
"The Small European States in the International Economy" 1999er
"Coping with Terrorism" Stanforder
KECK and SIKKINK Activists Beyond Borders, Chaps. 1, 3 Pandya
Activists Beyond Borders, Chap. 1 Aldrich
Activists Beyond Borders, Chap. 1 Evrigenis
Activists Beyond Borders, Chap. 3 Imai
Activists Beyond Borders, Chap. 3 Ho
KEEGAN, John A History of Warfare, pp. 3-60 Wrede Braden
KEOHANE, Robert After Hegemony, Chaps. 1, 9 Li
After Hegemony, Chaps. 1-4 Stanforder
After Hegemony, Chaps. 1, 9 Dufour
After Hegemony, Chaps. 1, 4-6, 10-11 Spengemann
After Hegemony, Chaps. 1, 6, 7 Aldrich
After Hegemony, Chaps. 2, 4, 5 Stanforder
After Hegemony, Chaps. 4, 5 Copelovitch
After Hegemony, Chaps. 5-6 Stanforder
After Hegemony, Chap. 7 Stanforder
"International Institutions: Two Approaches" Frisby
Neorealism and Its Critics, Chap. 1 Soifer
"Theory of World Politics: Structural Realism and Beyond"
(Neorealism and Its Critics, Chap. 7)
KEOHANE and MILNER Internationalization and Domestic Politics, Chaps. 1-3, 5, 7 Pandya
Internationalization and Domestic Politics, Chaps. 1-2 Beck
Internationalization and Domestic Politics, Chaps. 5, 7 Barker
KEOHANE and NYE Power and Interdependence, Chaps. 1-2 Margolis
Power and Interdependence, Chaps. 1-3 Stilz
Power and Interdependence, Chaps. 1-3 Stanforder
Power and Interdependence, Chaps. 4, 6 Margolis
Power and Interdependence, Chap. 4 Home
Power and Interdependence, Chap. 6 Fowler
Power and Interdependence, Chap. 6 Burke-White
KHONG, Yuen Analogies at War, Chaps. 2, 3, 7 Urbatsch
Analogies at War, Chap. 2 Macaes
Analogies at War, Chap. 3 Saberi
Analogies at War, Chap. 7 Shirck
KIER, Elizabeth "Culture and French Military Doctrine Before World War II" Stanforder
KIMURA and WELCH "Specifying 'Interests'" Ho
KINDLEBERGER, Charles The World in Depression, Chaps. 1, 14 Stanforder
"The Rise of Free Trade in Western Europe" Stanforder
KING, KEOHANE, and VERBA Designing Social Inquiry, pp. 3-9, 36-46, 115-149, 168-169, 176-182, 185-187, 189-193, 208-228 Fowler
Designing Social Inquiry, Chaps. 1-3 1999er
Designing Social Inquiry, Chap. 5 Frisby
Designing Social Inquiry, Chap. 6 Aguilera
KRASNER, Stephen "State Power and the Structure of International Trade" Margolis
"State Power and the Structure of International Trade" 1999er
"State Power and the Structure of International Trade" Stanforder
International Regimes, Intro. and Concl. Stanforder
Sovereignty, Chaps. 1 and 8 Stanforder
KRUGMAN, Paul "Dutch Tulips and Emerging Markets" Stanforder
"Currency Crises" Stanforder
KUHN, Thomas The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Stanforder
KYDD, Andrew "Game Theory and the Spiral Model" Stanforder
LAKE, David "Powerful Pacifists" Lienau
"Powerful Pacifists" Blake
"Powerful Pacifists" Barker
"Beneath the Commerce of Nations" Stanforder
"International Economic Structures and American Foreign Economic Policy" Kennedy
"International Economic Structures and American Foreign Economic Policy" Urbatsch
LAX and SEBENIUS "Thinking Coalitionally" Chatterjee
"Thinking Coalitionally" Saberi
LEBOW, Richard Between Peace and War, pp. 101-147 Stanforder
LEBOW and STEIN "Rational Deterrence Theory: I Think, Therefore I Deter" Bruland
"Is Anybody Still a Realist?"
(and responses thereto)
"Is Anybody Still a Realist?" Stanforder
"Is Anybody Still a Realist?" Horowitz
Responses to "Is Anybody Still a Realist?" Kennedy
LIPSON, Charles "International Cooperation" Stanforder
LOHMANN and O'HALLORAN "Divided Government and U.S. Trade Policy" Margolis
"Divided Government and U.S. Trade Policy" Fowler
MANSFIELD and SNYDER "Democratization and the Danger of War" Stanforder
"Democratization and the Danger of War" Stanforder
MAOZ, Zeev "Resolve, Capabilities, and the Outcome of Interstate Disputes" Urbatsch
MARCH and HEATH A Primer on Decision Making, Chaps. 1-2 Stanforder
MARCH and OLSEN "Institutional Dynamics of International Political Disorders" Stanforder
MARTIN, Lisa Democratic Commitments, Chaps. 2 and 7 Blake
Democratic Commitments, Chaps. 2 and 7 Imai
Democratic Commitments, Chap. 2 Saberi
"Interests, Power, and Multilateralism" Margolis
"Interests, Power, and Multilateralism" Stilz
"Interests, Power, and Multilateralism" Macaes
"Credibility, Costs, and Institutions" Stanforder
"Institutions and Cooperation" Ho
"Institutions and Cooperation" Urbatsch
MARTIN and SIMMONS "Theories and Empirical Studies of International Institutions" Stanforder
MCKEOWN, Timothy "Firms and Tariff Regime Change" Stanforder
MEARSHEIMER, John "Back to the Future" Stanforder
"The False Promise of International Institutions" Stanforder
"The False Promise of International Institutions" 2001er
MERCER, Jonathan Reputation and International Politics, Chaps. 1, 2, 4 Margolis
Reputation and International Politics, Chap. 1, 2 Imai
Reputation and International Politics, Chap. 1, 2 Saberi
Reputation and International Politics, Chap. 4 Aldrich
Reputation and International Politics, Chap. 4 Shirck
MEYER, John "World Society and the Nation State" Stanforder
MILGROM, NORTH, and WEINGAST "The Role of Institutions in the Revival of Trade" Stanforder
MILNER, Helen Interests, Institutions, and Information, Chaps. 3 and 4 1999er
Interests, Institutions, and Information, Chaps. 3 and 4 Li
Interests, Institutions, and Information, Chaps. 3 and 4 Shirck
Interests, Institutions, and Information, Chaps. 1-4 Stanforder
"Resisting the Protectionist Temptation" Stanforder
"Trading Places: Industries for Free Trade" Copelovitch
"Trading Places: Industries for Free Trade" Margolis
"Rationalizing Politics" Stanforder
MILNER and YOFFIE "Between Free Trade and Protectionism" Pandya
MINTON-BEDDOES, Zanny "Why the IMF Needs Reform" Stanforder
MORAVCSIK, Andrew "Taking Preferences Seriously" Urbatsch
"Taking Preferences Seriously" Stanforder
The Choice for Europe, pp. 18-24 Blake
The Choice for Europe, Chap. 2 Beck
MORGAN and CAMPBELL "Domestic Structure, Decisional Constraints, and War" Li
"Domestic Structure, Decisional Constraints, and War" Song
MORGENTHAU, Hans Politics among Nations, Part I Stanforder
Politics among Nations, pp. 3-15, 228-235 Margolis
"Alliances in Theory and Practice" Aldrich
MORROW, James "The Strategic Setting of Choices" Blake
"The Strategic Setting of Choices" Ho
"Arms vs. Alliances" Urbatsch
NORTH, Douglass Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economic Performance, Chaps. 1-4, 10-11 Stanforder
ODELL, KAHLER, and EVANS Double-Edged Diplomacy, pp. 233-264, 363-430 Li
ODELL, John Double-Edged Diplomacy, pp. 233-264 Horowitz
O'NEILL, Barry "Risk Aversion in International Relations Theory" Stanforder
ORGANSKI and KUGLER The War Ledger, Chap. 1 Gingerich
OWEN, John "How Liberalism Produces Democratic Peace" Bruland
"How Liberalism Produces Democratic Peace" Spengemann
OYE, Kenneth "Explaining Cooperation under Anarchy" Hentea
"Explaining Cooperation under Anarchy" Kennedy
PIERSON, Paul "The Path to European Union" Pandya
POLANYI, Karl The Great Transformation Stanforder
POSEN, Barry The Sources of Military Doctrine Stanforder
POWELL, Robert "Uncertainty, Shifting Power, and Appeasement" Perry
"Guns, Butter, and Anarchy" Stilz
"Absolute and Relative Gains in International Relations Theory" Stanforder
PRICE, Richard The Chemical Weapons Taboo Stanforder
PUTNAM, Robert "Diplomacy and Domestic Politics" Chatterjee
"Diplomacy and Domestic Politics" Stanforder
RAIFFA, Howard The Art and Science of Negotiation, pp. 1-19, 44-65 Blake
The Art and Science of Negotiation, pp. 1-19, 44-65 Spengemann
REITER, Dan "Learning, Realism, and Alliances" Stilz
"Learning, Realism, and Alliances" Wrede Braden
"Learning, Realism, and Alliances" Burke-White
RHODES, Edward "Do Bureaucratic Politics Matter?" Urbatsch
"Do Bureaucratic Politics Matter?" Thornton
RIKER, William "Implications from the Disequilibrium of Majority-Rule Voting for the Study of Institutions" Stanforder
RISSE and ROPP "International Human Rights Norms and Domestic Change" Blake
RODRIK, Dani Has Globalization Gone Too Far? Stanforder
ROEDER, Philip "Soviet Policies and Kremlin Politics" Bruland
"Soviet Policies and Kremlin Politics" Thornton
ROGOWSKI, Ronald "Political Cleavages and Changing Exposure to Trade" Gingerich
"Political Cleavages and Changing Exposure to Trade" Fowler
"Institutions as Constraints on Strategic Choice" Wrede Braden
"Institutions as Constraints on Strategic Choice" Evrigenis
Commerce and Coalitions, pp. 1-128 Stanforder
ROSE, Gideon "Neoclassical Realism and Theories of Foreign Policy" Urbatsch
ROSEN, Stephen "Decisions without Calculations" Chatterjee
"Decisions without Calculations" Spengemann
ROSECRANCE, Richard The Rise of the Trading State, pp. 1-40 Stanforder
RUGGIE, John "Continuity and Transformation in the World Polity: Toward a Neorealist Synthesis"
(Neorealism and Its Critics, Chap. 6)
"Continuity and Transformation in the World Polity" Gingerich
"Continuity and Transformation in the World Polity" Dufour
"International Regimes, Transactions, and Change" Pandya
"International Regimes, Transactions, and Change" Ho
"International Regimes, Transactions, and Change" Stilz
"International Regimes, Transactions, and Change" Stanforder
"What Makes the World Hang Together?" Stanforder
"Territoriality and Beyond" Stanforder
"Territoriality and Beyond" Blake
RUGGIE and KRATOCHWIL "International Organization" Stanforder
RUSSETT, Bruce Grasping the Democratic Peace Stanforder
RUSSETT and ONEAL Triangulating Peace, Chaps. 3-5 Horowitz
RUSSETT, ONEAL, and DAVIS "The Third Leg of the Kantian Tripod for Peace" Urbatsch
SACHS, Jeffrey "Do We Need an International Lender of Last Resort?" Stanforder
"The IMF and the Asian Flu" Stanforder
SAGAN, Scott The Limits of Safety Stanforder
"1914 Revisited" Stanforder
"The Commitment Trap" Stanforder
"Why Do States Build Nuclear Weapons?" Stanforder
SAGAN and WALTZ The Spread of Nuclear Weapons Stanforder
SCHULTZ, Kenneth "Do Domestic Institutions Constrain or Inform?" Hentea
"Do Domestic Institutions Constrain or Inform?" Soifer
"Do Domestic Institutions Constrain or Inform?" Kennedy
"Domestic Opposition and Signaling in International Crises" Copelovitch
"Domestic Opposition and Signaling in International Crises" Stanforder
SCHWELLER, Randall "Neorealism's Status Quo Bias: What Security Dilemma?" Fowler
"Neorealism's Status Quo Bias: What Security Dilemma?" Stanforder
"Bandwagoning for Profit" Urbatsch
SCOTT, W. Richard Institutions and Organizations, Chaps. 1-4 Stanforder
SIKKINK, Kathryn "The Power of Principled Ideas" Stanforder
SIMMONS, Beth Who Adjusts?, Chaps. 1-3 Perry
Who Adjusts?, Chaps. 1-3 Chatterjee
"The Legalization of International Monetary Affairs" Stanforder
"Rulers of the Game" Stanforder
SNYDER, Glenn "The Security Dilemma in Alliance Politics" Imai
"The Security Dilemma in Alliance Politics" Horowitz
SNYDER, Jack Myths of Empire Stanforder
Myths of Empire, pp. 1-111, 235-322 Margolis
Myths of Empire, Chaps. 1-2 Lienau
Myths of Empire, pp. 235-280 Saberi
Myths of Empire, pp. 281-322 Shirck
"Civil-Military Relations and the Cult of the Offensive" Stanforder
SPRUYT, Hendrik "Institutional Selection and International Relations" Stanforder
STEIN, Arthur "Coordination and Collaboration" Stanforder
TANNENWALD, Nina "The Nuclear Taboo" Stanforder
THUCYDIDES, Sinsatiable The History of the Peloponnesian War, Book I 1-88 Beck
The History of the Peloponnesian War, Book II 1-65 Soifer
The History of the Peloponnesian War, Book III 36-50 Imai?
The History of the Peloponnesian War, Book V 85-116 Stilz?
The History of the Peloponnesian War, Book VI 6-32 Fowler?
TREBILCOCK and HOWSE The Regulation of International Trade, Chaps. 15-16 Stanforder
VAN EVERA, Stephen Causes of War, Chap. 6 Barker
Causes of War, Chap. 6 Hentea
Causes of War, Chap. 6 Lienau
"Offense, Defense, and the Causes of War" Stanforder
WAEVER, Ole "The Sociology of a Not So International Discipline" Stanforder
WALLANDER, Celeste Mortal Friends, Best Enemies, Chaps. 1, 2 1999er
Mortal Friends, Best Enemies, Chap. 5 Phelan
WALT, Stephen The Origins of Alliances, Chaps. 1, 2 Barker
The Origins of Alliances, Chap. 2 Dufour
The Origins of Alliances, Chap. 8 1999er
"Rigor or Rigor Mortis? Rational Choice and Security Studies" Stanforder
WALTZ, Kenneth Man, the State, and War, Chap. 1 Copelovitch
Man, the State, and War, Chaps. 1, 4, 6, 7 Chatterjee
Man, the State, and War, Chap. 5 Stilz(?)
Man, the State, and War, Chap. 6 Beck
Theory of International Politics Stanforder
Theory of International Politics, Chaps. 1, 4, 5 Phelan
Theory of International Politics, pp. 116-123 Wrede Braden
Theory of International Politics, Chap. 8 Gingerich
"Reflections on Theory of International Politics"
(Neorealism and Its Critics, Chap. 11)
Neorealism and Its Critics, pp. 1-16, 27-130
(contains Theory of International Politics, Chaps. 1, 4, 5, 6)
"Structural Realism and the Cold War" Ho
WALZER, Michael Just and Unjust Wars, Chap. 4 Frisby
Just and Unjust Wars, Chap. 5 Imai
Just and Unjust Wars, Chap. 6 Phelan
WEBB, Michael "International Economic Structures, Government Interests, and International Coordination of Macroeconomic Adjustment Policies" Margolis
WELDES, Jutta "The Cultural Production of Crises" Stanforder
WENDT, Alexander "Anarchy Is What States Make of It" Copelovitch
"Anarchy Is What States Make of It" Stanforder
Social Theory of International Relations, Chaps. 1, 3, 4, 6 Blake
Social Theory of International Relations, Chap. 1 Home
Social Theory of International Relations, Chap. 2 Stanforder
Social Theory of International Relations, Chaps. 3 & 4 Dufour
Social Theory of International Relations, Chap. 4 Stanforder
Social Theory of International Relations, Chap. 5 Stanforder
Social Theory of International Relations, Chap. 6 Evrigenis
WINTERS, Jeffrey "Power and the Control of Capital" Stanforder
WOLFERS, Arnold "Statesmanship and Moral Choice"
(Chap. 4 of Discord and Collaboration)
"Collective Defense vs. Collective Security"
"Stresses and Strains in Going It with Others"

(pp. 181-216 of Discord and Collaboration)

Missing from my 1999 collection:

Missing from my 2000 collection:

Missing from my 2001 collection: